Χρήσιμοι Σύνδεσμοι Πληροφόρησης:
Association of Foreign Investors www.yased.org.tr
Banking Regulation Supervision Authority www.bddk.org.tr
Capital Market Board (CMB) www.spk.gov.tr
Central Bank of Turkey www.tcmb.gov.tr
Coordination council for improvement of investment environment
(YOIKK) www.yoikk.gov.tr
Customs Administration www.gumruk.gov.tr
Investment Support and Promotion Agency www.invest.gov.tr
Istanbul Chamber of Commerce www.ito.org.tr
Istanbul Chamber Of Industry www.iso.org.tr
Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) www.imkb.gov.tr
Ministry of Industry and Commerce www.sanayi.gov.tr
Ministry of Finance www.maliye.gov.tr
Ministry of Foreign Affairs www.mfa.gov.tr
Ministry of Labor and Social Security www.calisma.gov.tr
Privatization Administration www.oib.gov.tr
State Institute of Statistics www.tuik.gov.tr
State Planning Organization www.dpt.gov.tr
Turkish Revenue Administration www.gib.gov.tr
Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade www.foreingtrade.gov.tr
Undersecretariat of Treasury www.treasury.gov.tr
Union of Banks www.tbb.org.tr
Union of Chambers and Markets (“TOBB”) www.tobb.org.tr
Union of Chambers of CPAs of Turkey www.turmob.org.tr

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Atina’nın kalbinde, Golden Visa Programı’na uygun, tamamen yenilenmiş modern bir daireye sahip olmak ister misiniz? Atina Emmanouil Benaki’de bu özel daire ile hem Avrupa’da oturma