Yunanistandaki Emlakçınız - Avukat Yorgo Hristopoulos - Invest Greece Yunanistan Emlak



Şirketimiz bünyesinde görev yapan avukatımız Yorgo Hristopoulos 1973 Atina’da doğdu , Atina Barosu’na kayıtlı Hristopoulos Yunan Ev Sahipleri Derneğinde ( POMIDA ) aktif görev sahibidir. Emlak hukuku ve şirket hukuku konularına hakim Hristopoulos Emlak Alımı Yoluyla alınan Oturma İzinleriniz konusunda size yardımcı olacaktır.




George J. Christopoulos

Attorney At Law


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Born: Athens, Greece, 1973., Member: Athens Bar Association, Admitted 2000. Education: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (LL.B. in Hellenic Law); King’s College London (LL.M.).

Biography: Legal Counselor Legal Advisor on special leasing contracts Hellenic Property Federation (POMIDA), Legal Advisor on real estate property issues TIRESIAS Bank Information Systems SA,

Languages: Greek, English and French.


Our services 


Our offices provide legal services and advice in regards of the entire spectrum of real estate law, commercial and financial law as well as immigration law. Through our corresponding offices in Naples (Studio Legale Ricciuto) and Frankfurt (Rechtsanwälte Werner & Dr. Zerey) we provide a unique integrated service in major business and financial centers across the Central & SE European region.



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