Can I use the residency permit in order to travel to other European Union countries ? You may travel with your passport and the residency permit to all countries...
What are my obligations as a property owner in Greece?
The law for permanent residency permit and citizenship possibility
Can you work in Greece?
Do I need any visa to go to Greece from US ?
How long can you stay in Greece as a US citizen?
The Land Registry In Greece there is no central open to all the people computerised system researching land titles. Every local area has its own Land Registry where all transactions...
Yunanca Dersleri Sismanoglio Megaro’da orta ve yüksek düzeydeki öğrenciler için Yunanca dersleri verilmektedir. Burslu olarak ücretsiz verilen Yunanca dersleri, Yunan Dili Öğretim Programında Yunan dilinin yabancı dil olarak tecrübeli...